Summary of last Directorate meetings

As usual in the wiki, now also in english 

Scientific Council news

  • New elected SC board: José Maneira (president), Raul Sarmento, Ricardo Gonçalo

  • Next plenary meeting 19 Dec 10h30 at LIP-Lisboa. Agenda and documents  

“Fundo CERN” news

The panel meetings were held on 9-11 December and results are being communicated to the PIs, who then have 10 days to contest the decision.

New scholarship holder Status and new FCT Scholarship Regulation

With the new Decree-Law 123/2019 and the approval of the new FCT fellowship regulation, some changes have to be taken into consideration:

UTAustin Portugal Program 2019 Call for Exploratory Proposals

Deadline extended do 8 Jan 2020. More info

Call for SR&TD Project Grants

Open date 30 January 2020.  More info

“Laboratório Associado” classification and funding

Regulation (english version supposed to be available soon at FCT's website)

For the moment, we are waiting for the application form to be made available by FCT, and the process should take place in January and February. The Associated Laboratories, approved for a period of up to 10 years will establish with FCT contracts regarding the commitments made, the allocated funding and any additional requirements. 

LIP technical staff evaluation forms

New the version of form will be distributed for final comments soon (and made available here).


Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2018

The evaluation panels and results have recently been published by FCT. 

FCT calls calendar

The FCT makes available the calendar of calls scheduled for the years 2020 to 2022. The information is updated regularly to reflect any change in either the financing instruments or the expected dates. There may be other specific or thematic calls not included in this list.
For information on open FCT calls see


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ProtoTera Association created 

The Portuguese Proto-Therapy and Advanced Technologies for Cancer Prevention and Treatment Association (ProtoTera) was formally created on
9 December 2019.

Read more

A new schedule for the LHC
and its successor

The LHC will restart in May 2021 and Run 3 will be extended by one year.

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Higgs discovery featured as one of the top scientific discoveries of the decade


20 years of the foundation of the Pierre Auger Observatory 

The official celebration took place at the Observatory site, in Malargüe, Province Mendoza, Argentina. The President of FCT, the Ambassador of Portugal in Argentina and the President of LIP were present.

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Assembly of CALIFA in R3B

In November and December 2019, a large part of the CALIFA detector was assembled and installed in FAIR, the the GSI Link to Expresso.

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BSM workshop in Lisbon 

The workshop was held in the context of the VBScan COST Action and included a PubhD outreach event.

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LIP at Quark Matter 2019

The main conference on ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions took place in China, from 3th to 9th November. For the third consecutive year, the LIP Phenomenology Group was represented with a plenary talk.

More info

Jornadas LIP 2020

Braga, 14-16 Fev

Registration now open

LIP Student Workshop 

Braga, 1-3 July 2019 — Read about this in page 24 of the latest Bulletin.


Recent theses defenses
by LIP students

by ESA

This is a balloon experiment proposed by SAC students from the University of Coimbra and supported by LIP

Read more 


LIP in the 2019 S&T Week

LIP joined the celebration of the Science and Technology Week with the participation and organization of various activities focused on the impact on society and citizens.

Read more 

IST Excellent Teacher list

Our colleagues Ana Luísa Carvalho, Liliana Apolinário e Miguel Orcinha are in the 2018/2019 Excellent Teacher list of IST.




  • International Particle Physics Outreach Group elected Steven Goldfarb and Pedro Abreu as next Collaboration chairs.
  • Ricardo Gonçalo replaces Pedro as Portuguese representative.
  • Starting in January 2020 Catarina Espírito Santo will be the representative of Portugal in the European Particle Physics Communication Network.

LIP-News Bulletin

The preparation of the next issue is now starting! If you would like to contribute, please contact

(some guidelines here)

Masterclasses 2020

The Calendar can be found here.

Flyers about LIP

Flyers about LIP

This is meant to be the first and most general one of a family of flyers on more specific topics: the different research areas or research lines at LIP; advanced training at LIP, etc. Please have a look, comments and suggestions are most welcome!

LIP Summer Students Programme 2018

Updating the research group info on the LIP website

The texts introducing the research groups, competence centers or infrastructures in the LIP website are an important visiting card. They should be concise and understandable by those who visit us. This is particularly important in view of the ongoing evaluation of the research units.

Please remember these texts can be updated directly in the LIP database.
Twitter, #LHCIMC18 #PTIMC18  


Visits to the CMS Detector at the LHC

Have you ever wondered what High-Energy Physics is? What exactly it takes to run an experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider? Or perhaps how the Higgs boson was discovered?


IBERGRID 2024|28-30 OCT|Porto 

2024-10-28 / 2024-10-30



Calls and Opportunities