i-Astro Group is developing its research in the framework of ESA, NASA and EU science space mission activities in the X- and gamma-ray astrophysics domains. The group is part of NASA All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory (AMEGO) mission proposal consortium and of Activities in the High Energy Astrophysics Domain (AHEAD2020: https://ahead.iaps.inaf.it/) EU project consortium. Our group is contributing to the development of detection plane instruments based in CdTe, CZT, CsI, Si and in gas filled detectors with spectroscopic, imaging and polarimetric capabilities. These missions will address the new multi-messenger astrophysics domain, where gravitational waves’ observation in ground facilities, such as LIGO-Virgo, coordinated with simultaneous gamma-ray transients’ observations performed in such gamma-ray space missions may provide useful constraints on the gravitational wave source localization. Polarimetry in high-energy astrophysics has known very few developments, therefore the referred missions polarimetric capabilities hold a great potential to open a new scientific observational window.
As examples of recent activities, in the framework of AHEAD we simulated the instrument mass model performances for e-ASTROGAM and AMEGO missions. Polarimetric measurements with a double layer CdTe prototype under a polarized beam were performed at the ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) and at LARIX (LARge Italian X-ray facility) facility at the University of Ferrara. We simulated the potential polarimetric performances of different noble gases, in the framework of the development of the main instrument of the IXPE mission. CdTe radiation hardness testing for Space Instrumentation were also carried on, in order to characterize the effects of Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) proton radiation environment on CdTe based instruments.
Outreach Stratospheric Spectropolarimeter Gamma-X balloon experiment was launched the September 4th, 2018 in NASA HASP (High Altitude Student Platform) facilities at Fort Sumner, New Mexico, USA. i-Astro is also organising the How to be an Astronaut Summer School for secondary school students and the Portugal Space Summer School for university students.
Evaluation of effective dose for gamma-rays of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes in aviation: spectral- and atmosphere-effects
Author(s): J.M. Maia, R.M. Curado da Silva, Joana Mingacho
Submission: , Acceptance: , Publication: 2023-11-03
Reference: Radiation Physics and Chemistry 215 (2024) 111332
All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory eXplorer mission concept
Author(s): Regina Caputo, Marco Ajello, Carolyn A. Kierans, Jeremy S. Perkins, Judith L. Racusin, Luca Baldini, Matthew G. Baring, Elisabetta Bissaldi, Eric Burns, Nicholas Cannady, Eric Charles, Rui M. Curado da Silva, Ke Fang, Henrike Fleischhack, Chris Fryer, Yasushi Fukazawa, J. Eric Grove, Dieter Hartmann, Eric J. Howell, Manoj Jadhav, Christopher M. Karwin, Daniel Kocevski, Naoko Kurahashi, Luca Latronico, Tiffany R. Lewis, Richard Leys, Amy Lien, Lea Marcotulli, Israel Martinez-Castellanos, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, Julie McEnery, Jessica Metcalfe, Kohta Murase, Michela Negro, Lucas Parker, Bernard Phlips, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Soebur Razzaque, Peter S. Shawhan, Yong Sheng, Tom A. Shutt, Daniel Shy, Clio Sleator, Amanda L. Steinhebel, Nicolas Striebig, Yusuke Suda, Donggeun Tak, Hiro Tajima, Janeth Valverde, Tonia M. Venters, Zorawar Wadiasingh, Richard S. Woolf, Eric A. Wulf, Haocheng Zhang, Andreas Zoglauer
Submission: , Acceptance: , Publication: 2022-10-28
Reference: Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, Vol. 8, Issue 4, 044003 (October 2022).
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AMEGO-X Mission Overview
Author(s): Caputo, Regina ; Perkins, Jeremy ; Racusin, Judith ; Ajello, Marco ; Kierans, Carolyn ; Fleischhack, Henrike ; Negro, Michela ; Zhang, Haocheng ; Venters, Tonia ; Cannady, Nicholas ; Bissaldi, Elisabetta ; Karwin, Christopher ; Lewis, Tiffany ; Sheng, Yong ; Lien, Amy ; Steinhebel, Amanda ; Shawhan, Peter ; Baring, Matthew ; Martinez-Castellanos, Israel ; Wadiasingh, Zorawar search by orcid ; Woolf, Richard ; Prescod-Weinstein, Chanda ; Kocevski, Daniel ; Razzaque, Soebur ; Tak, Donggeun ; Suda, Yusuke ; Zoglauer, Andreas ; Howell, Eric ; Mazziotta, Mario Nicola ; Curado da Silva, Rui ; Valverde, Janeth ; Wulf, Eric ; Metcalfe, Jessica ; McEnery, Julie ; Kurahashi Neilson, Naoko
Submission: , Acceptance: , Publication: 2022-04-01
Reference: AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division meeting #19, id. 404.03. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 54, No. 3
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Polarimetry With a Multilayer CdTe Prototype for Soft Gamma-Ray Astrophysics
Author(s): M. Moita, R. M. Curado da Silva, J. M. Maia, E. Caroli, E. Virgilli, N. Auricchio, J. B. Stephen, F. Frontera, S. del Sordo
Submission: 2021-11-01, Acceptance: 2021-11-01, Publication: 2021-11-01
Reference: IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 68 (2021) 2655-2660