Following the 2020 update of the European Particle Physics Strategy (EPPS), a global collaboration was established, dedicated to producing a feasibility study for a Future Circular Collider (FCC) facility located in Geneva. If approved, this world-level facility will represent the future high-energy frontier in accelerator physics that will succeed the High Luminosity LHC from around 2040 onwards. It will include an e+e- collider (FCC-ee) devoted to a wide physics programme, with highlights on Higgs, top and electroweak precision measurements. This will later be replaced by a hadron machine (FCC-hh), which will share most of the infrastructure of the previous collider and repeat the virtuous cycle represented by LEP and the LHC. It will enhance the current energy frontier by an order of magnitude, allowing a future generation of physicists to explore the limits of the Standard Model and possibly reach beyond, to a more fundamental theory. The FCC group at LIP harbours both physics studies and technology developments relevant to the FCC. We are also interested in following and contributing to other future accelerator projects being developed around the world.
Production and optical characterisation of blended Polyethylene Tethraplate (PET)/Polyethylene Naphtalate (PEN) scintillator samples
Author(s): P. Conde Muíño, J. A. Covas, A. Gomes, L. Gurriana, R. Machado, T. Martins, P. Mendes, R. Pedro, B. Pereira, A. J. Pontes, H. Wilkens
Submission: 2023-12-28, Acceptance: , Publication: 2023-12-22
Reference: arXiv:2312.14790
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Towards a muon collider
Author(s): Carlotta Accettura et al, including G. Chachamis, G. Da Molin, M.Gallinaro
Submission: 2023-02-15, Acceptance: 2023-07-30, Publication: 2023-09-26
Reference: Eur.Phys.J.C 83 (2023) 9, 864
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Probing the vaccum with di-Higgs production
Author(s): Diogo Pires Nunes, Francisco Casalinho
Submission: 2022-10-18, Acceptance: 2022-10-18, Publication: 2022-10-18
Reference: LIP-STUDENTS-22-09
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