Luisa Arruda
Researcher ( LIP Lisboa )
Validation of dMEREM, the Detailed Mars Energetic Radiation Environment Model, with RAD Data from the Surface of Mars
- Autor(es): Patricia Goncalves, Luisa Arruda, Marco Pinto
Submission: 2022-02-21 Acceptance: 2022-02-21 Publication: 2022-02-21
Reference: Front. Astron. Space Sci. 9 (2022) 833144
Observation of Fine Time Structures in the Cosmic Proton and Helium Fluxes with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station
- Autor(es): AMS Collaboration
Publication: 2018-07-31
Reference: Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 051101
Electrons in GEO measured with the ESA Multi-Functional Spectrometer during the January 2014 SEP
- Autor(es): L. Arruda, P. Goncalves, A. Marques, J. Costa-Pinto, A. Aguilar, P. Marinho, T. Sousa, H. Evans, P. Nieminen
Submission: 2017-09-29 Acceptance: 2018-07-05 Publication: 2018-07-09
Reference: IEEE TNS Vol65, Issue 8 pp 1540 - 1545 August 18
SEP Protons in GEO measured with the ESA MultiFunctional Spectrometer
- Autor(es): Luisa Arruda, Patrícia Gonçalves, Ingmar Sandberg, Sigiava Giamini, Ioannis Daglis, Arlindo Marques, Joao Pinto, Adolfo Aguilar, Pedro Marinho, Tiago Sousa, Hugh Evans, Piers Jiggens, Alessandra Menicucci, Petteri Nieminen
Submission: 2017-05-31 Acceptance: 2017-06-07 Publication: 2017-08-01
Reference: IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 64 (2017) 2333-2339
Determination of the positron anisotropy with AMS
- Autor(es): L. Arruda, F. Barao, R. Pereira, et al.
Submission: 2013-03-08 Acceptance: 2013-04-16 Publication: 2014-07-01
Reference: Proceedings International Cosmic Ray Conference 2013 (Brazil)
GETFOCOS for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes - A GEant4 Tool For Optimization and Characterization of an Optical System
- Autor(es): L. Arruda, P. Assis, F. Barão, R. Pereira, M. Pimenta, B. Tomé
Submission: 2011-04-07 Acceptance: 2011-08-15 Publication: 2011-12-11
Reference: Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 659 (2011) pp. 282-288
Relative Composition and Energy Spectra of Light Nuclei in Cosmic Rays. Results from AMS-01
- Autor(es): M. Aguilar et al.
Submission: 2010-11-20 Acceptance: 2010-11-20 Publication: 2010-11-20
Reference: Astrophysical Journal 724 (2010) 329-340
In-beam aerogel light yield characterization for the AMS RICH detector
- Autor(es): M. Aguilar-Benitez et al.
Submission: 2009-12-01 Acceptance: 2009-12-04 Publication: 2010-03-01
Reference: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 614 (2010) 237-249
Particle identification with the AMS-02 RICH detector: D/p and anti-D/anti-p separation
- Autor(es): L. Arruda, F. Barao, R. PEREIRA
Submission: 2007-09-06 Acceptance: 2008-01-01 Publication: 2008-01-01
Reference: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics (Faro 2007)
The Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector of the AMS experiment: test beam results with a prototype
- Autor(es): L. ARRUDA, F. Barao, P. Goncalves, R. Pereira
Submission: 2006-10-01 Acceptance: 2006-10-01 Publication: 2007-10-01
Reference: Proceedings of the 10th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD06), Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 172 (2007) 32-35
Isotopic mass separation with the RICH detector of the AMS experiment
- Autor(es): L. ARRUDA, F. Barao, J. Borges, F. Carmo, P. Goncalves, R. Pereira, M. Pimenta, A.Keating
Submission: 2004-07-02 Acceptance: 2004-07-02 Publication: 2007-01-01
Reference: M. Shapiro et al., eds., Astrophysics at Ultra-High Energies - Proceedings of the International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics
Cosmic Ray velocity and electric charge measurements with the AMS/RICH detector: prototype results
- Autor(es): L. ARRUDA, F. Barao, P. Goncalves, R. Pereira
Submission: 2006-09-05 Acceptance: 2006-09-05 Publication: 2006-09-05
Reference: Proceedings of the 20th European Cosmic Ray Symposium (Lisboa 2006), electronic publication
Particle identification with the AMS-02 RICH detector: search for dark matter with antideuterons
- Autor(es): L. Arruda, F. Barao, R. PEREIRA
Submission: 2006-09-05 Acceptance: 2006-09-05 Publication: 2006-09-05
Reference: Proceedings of the 20th European Cosmic Ray Symposium (Lisboa 2006), electronic publication
The Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector (RICH) of the AMS experiment
- Autor(es): M. Aguilar Benitez, J. Alcaraz, L. Arruda, F. BARAO, A. Barrau, G. Barreira, E. Belmont, J. Berdugo, M. Brinet, M. Buenerd, D. Casadei, J. Casaus, E. Cortina, C. Delgado, C. Diaz, L. Derome, L. Eraud, R.J. Garcia-Lopez, L.
Submission: 2005-08-03 Acceptance: 2005-08-03 Publication: 2005-08-03
Reference: Proceedings of the 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Pune 2005), 3, 349-352
AMS - A magnetic spectrometer on the International Space Station
- Autor(es): L. Arruda, F. Barao, G. Barreira, J. Borges, F. Carmo, P. Goncalves, R. Pereira, M. Pimenta
Submission: 2005-07-28 Acceptance: 2005-07-28 Publication: 2005-07-28
Reference: J. Afonso et al., eds., 2005: Past meets Present in Astronomy and Astrophysics – Proceedings of the 15th Portuguese National Meeting, p. 77-78
Cosmic Ray Velocity and Electric Charge Measurements in the AMS Experiment
- Autor(es): L. Arruda, on behalf of the AMS collaboration
Submission: 2005-02-23 Acceptance: 2005-02-23 Publication: 2005-02-23
Reference: A. Astbury el al., eds., Fundamental Interactions - Proceedings of the 20th Lake Louise Winter Institute (2005), p. 98-103
Velocity and Charge Reconstruction with the AMS/RICH Detector
- Autor(es): L. ARRUDA, F. Barao, J. Borges, F. Carmo, P. Goncalves, R. Pereira, M. Pimenta
Submission: 2005-01-08 Acceptance: 2005-01-08 Publication: 2005-01-08
Reference: A. Mourao et al., eds., Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics (Faro 2005), p. 134-139
Isotope Separation with the RICH Detector of the AMS Experiment
- Autor(es): L. Arruda, F. Barao, J.Borges, F. Carmo, P. Goncalves, R. PEREIRA, M. Pimenta
Submission: 2005-01-08 Acceptance: 2005-01-08 Publication: 2005-01-08
Reference: A. Mourao et al., eds., Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics (Faro 2005), p. 140-144