XX Physics in Collision Conference
Lisbon, June 29 - July 1, 2000

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"The estimation of Charm total production cross section in pp-interactions at 70GeV using statistics of rare multichannel processes"

Larisa Tikhonova

Institute of Nuclear Physics,Moscow State University,
Moscow,Russia,Vorobievi Gori 119899,

The statistics of rare multichannel processes was analyzed and formulas for the total cross section of a reaction,its upper limit and confidence level were obtained.These formulas were used for description of charmed particles production in pp-interactions at 70 GeV in the E-161 experiment at Serpukhov accelerator with the SVD set-up.The set-up incorporated a hydrogen rapid cycling bubble chamber as a precision vertex detector and a large aperture magnetic spectrometer.The detection efficiencies of different topology charm decay channels were determined for the assumed in the experiment selection criteria,using the Monte Carlo simulation with the help of PYTHIA and GEANT3 programmes. The estimated cross section was obtained in the form proportional to the number of detected events and was compared with the really determined in the experiment cross section value.

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