XX Physics in Collision Conference
Lisbon, June 29 - July 1, 2000

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"The Borexino Solar Neutrino experiment at Gran Sasso"

José Maneira

INFN-Milano/Gran Sasso, FCUL/LIP-Lisboa

Borexino is a new real-time detector for low-energy solar neutrinos presently in construction at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory, in Italy. The goal of the experiment is the measurement of the flux (average and time variations) of monoenergetic Be-7 solar neutrinos via neutrino-electron scattering in 100 tons of high purity liquid scintillator. This poster will briefly describe the experiment and its role in the solution of the Solar Neutrino Problem, in particular the discrimination between the several oscillation scenarios. The low background levels needed to observe solar neutrinos below 1 MeV place very stringent requirements in the radiopurity of the scintillator and other detector materials. New technologies in low counting Nuclear Physics were developed through the test experiment CTF installed in Gran Sasso, that reached and measured some of the highest radiopurity levels ever achieved. This poster will also summarize the most relevant results obtained in CTF and in the R&D phase of the experiment, emphasizing its implications in the design of Borexino.

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