Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas



PANDDdA: Physics Analysis and Next-generation Detector Design with Differentiable Algorithms


Entidade Beneficiária

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Sumário do Projecto

The Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics is an astoundingly precise description of a range of phenomena, yet experimental data shows us it can’t be the whole story. From the nature of dark matter, to the observed dominance of matter over antimatter, there are several open questions that drive the research into the most fundamental building blocks of Nature. Experimental or theoretical breakthroughs are needed for us to unravel the mysteries of the Universe.The vastness of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) dataset, most of it yet to be delivered, is one of our best opportunities to shed light on some of the Universe’s mysteries. If the discovery of new physics is within reach of the LHC (including its high-luminosity phase, the HL-LHC), the Higgs boson may be our path to discovering it. Measuring the properties of the Higgs boson with the best possible precision is of the highest priority, as any deviation would take us beyond-the-SM.With this project I will boost Higgs bosons precision measurements at the LHC and future colliders, by exploring novel cutting-edge differentiable programming tools. A search for charge-parity violation in Higgs boson couplings to the W boson will be done for the first time, pioneering novel machine-learning-based inference techniques. In addition, the ability to perform precision measurements in future colliders will require detector designs beyond the current state-of-the-art.I will develop a proof-of-concept application of differentiable programming towards physics-oriented detector design, with a focus on hadronic calorimetry for a future Higgs boson factory.All together, this project expands the horizons of particle physics research. It lays the foundation for maximising the discovery potential of the LHC via innovative techniques that can achieve precision beyond the state-of-the art and directly impact what new physics can be found. It also sets the stage for the long-term future of the field by contributing towards a new paradigm of detector design that is driven by physics goals and can massively improve the achievable performance.

Suporte sob

Reforçar a investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação

Região de Intervenção




Custo total elegível
€ 50,000.00

Apoio financeiro da UE
Financiamento p/ LIP
€ 0.00
€ 50,000.00

Apoio financeiro público Nacional
€ OE








financiamento atribuído ao abrigo do Regulamento de Apoios Especiais, publicado em DR, 2.ª série — N.º 140 — 20 de julho de 2023[1], designadamente para o desenvolvimento de atividades de I&D na instituição de acolhimento/beneficiária após licença de parentalidade no âmbito do programa RESTART

[1] Altera e republica o Regulamento de Apoios Especiais da FCT, publicado em anexo ao Aviso n.º 11367/2010, em Diário da República, 2.ª série, n.º 110, de 8 de junho de 2010


Combination of searches for heavy spin-1 resonances using 139 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data at \sqrt{s}=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Differentiable Vertex Fitting for Jet Flavour TaggingArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published


A física do modelo padrão e do LHCOutreach seminar
Analysis ToolsOral presentation in advanced training events
Design optimization of calorimeters for the Future Circular ColliderPoster presentation in national or international meeting
Differentiable Vertex Fitting for Jet Flavour TaggingOral presentation in international conference
Differentiable Vertex Fitting for Jet Flavour TaggingPoster presentation in national or international meeting
Jet Trigger in 2024Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet trigger statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet trigger statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jet trigger statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
NDIVE Vertex FittingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Parabéns ao Bosão de HiggsOutreach seminar
Searching for HWW anomalous couplings with simulation-based inferenceOral presentation in national or international meeting
Searching for HWW anomalous couplings with simulation-based inferencePresentation in national conference
Searching for HWW anomalous couplings with simulation-based inferenceOral presentation in international conference
Simulation-based inference in the search for CP violation in leptonic WH productionPoster presentation in international conference
Simulation-based inference in the search for CP violation in leptonic WH productionPoster presentation in international conference
Study of the Higgs Boson Anomalous Couplings with the ATLAS detectorPoster presentation in national or international meeting


Future collider calorimeter optimisation with machine learning
Procura de acoplamentos anómalos do bosão de Higgs com o detetor ATLAS



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Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas   LIP.PT

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