LIP is a partner in BigHPC
"The UT Austin/Portugal partnership BigHPC aims at creating an integrated platform for efficient management of advanced computing centres, particularly in parallel and Big Data applications"
High Performance Computing (HPC) provides more resources and better performance in order to solve complex problems — scientific, technological and societal. These services have been expanding the range of application of technologies such as parallel computing or Big Data. These are today mandatory in areas using very large and complex data sets such as experimental particle physics, high-resolution medical imaging or data science in general. However, the increasing complexity o HPC infrastructure management results in efficiency losses and significant expenses.
To address this challenge, the partnership Management Framework for Consolidated Big Data and High-Performance Computing (BigHPC) has been created, and LIP is a partner. The aim is to create an integrated platform that favours the efficient and low-cost management of advanced computing centres, particularly concerning parallel and Big Data applications. Experts from the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) and the Minho Advanced Computing Centre (MACC) will help integrate the tools developed into a single software bundle that will be validated through real use-cases and a pilot deployed in both centers.
The company Wavecom leads the BigHPC project, in partnership with the MACC, INESC TEC, and LIP, in Portugal, and the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) and the TACC, in the USA. The project, planned to be completed in 2023, is funded by the COMPETE 2020 Programme and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in partnership with UT Austin (via the UT Austin Portugal Program), within the scope of the initiative “Go Portugal - Global Science and Technology Partnerships Portugal”.