Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas



Co-financed by:

República Portuguesa 

SWGO: the wide-field gamma-ray observatory at the Southern hemisphere


Beneficiary Entity

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Project summary


Support under

Reforçar a investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação

Region of Intervention




Total eligible cost
€ 249,585.00

EU financial support
Funding for LIP
€ 0.00
€ 249,585.00

National public financial support
€ 249.584,61¤








Versão Extensa: Este trabalho é financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do projeto PTDC/FIS-PAR/4300/2020

Versão Resumida: OE,FCT-Portugal, PTDC/FIS-PAR/4300/2020


The relation between optical and γ-ray emission in BL Lac sourcesArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
A Large Jet Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy: Observations from Parsec to 100 kpc ScalesArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Evaluation of the potential of a gamma-ray observatory to detect astrophysical neutrinos through inclined showersArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Gamma-ray burst detection prospects for next generation ground-based VHE facilitiesArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Gamma/hadron discrimination at high energies through the azimuthal fluctuations of the particle distributions at groundArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Gamma/hadron discrimination at PeV energies through the azimuthal fluctuations of air shower footprint at the groundInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Gamma/hadron discrimination using a small-WCD with four PMTsInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
High resolution gamma/hadron and composition discriminant variable for water-Cherenkov detector cosmic-ray observatoriesArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Hunting extreme BL Lacertae blazars with Fermi-Large Area TelescopeArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Identification of low energy neutral and charged cosmic ray events in large wide field observatoriesArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)submitted
Monitoring Gamma-Ray Burst VHE emission with the Southern Wide-field-of-view Gamma-ray ObservatoryInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
New methods to reconstruct Xmax and the energy of gamma-ray air showers with high accuracy in large wide-field observatoriesInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Potential of water-Cherenkov air shower arrays for detecting transient sources of high-energy astrophysical neutrinosArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Probing Gamma-Ray Burst VHE Emission with the Southern Wide-Field-of-View Gamma-Ray ObservatoryArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Prospects for VHE monitoring of Gamma-ray Bursts with SWGOInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
P_{\gamma h}^{\alpha} A new variable for γ/h discrimination in large gamma-ray ground arraysArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Tackling the muon identification in water Cherenkov detectors problem for the future Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory by means of Machine LearningArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
The gamma/hadron discriminator LCm in realistic air shower array experimentsArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
The Mercedes water Cherenkov detectorArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
The Mercedes water-Cherenkov detector: a multi-PMT shallow tank design proposal for ground-based gamma-ray observatoriesInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Very high energy sky monitoring with the Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray ObservatoryInternational Conference Proceedingspublished
Very high energy sky monitoring with the Southern Widefield Gamma-ray ObservatoryInternational Conference Proceedingspublished


Evaluation of the potential of a gamma-ray observatory to detect astrophysical neutrinosStudent presentation in advanced training event
HDPE tank Status ReportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Jorge Dias de Deus (1941-2021) : Science in the RepublicOral presentation in national or international meeting
New methods to reconstruct Xmax and the energy of gamma-ray air showers with high accuracy in large wide-field observatoriesOral presentation in international conference
Status of the implementation of the ML-based methods for the E1 and E4 configurationsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
A few comments on the M5 comparisonsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
A Gamma Ray Wide-Field Observatory at the Andes: a new window to the UniverseSeminar
A next-generation gamma-ray observatory powered by Machine Learning techniquesStudent presentation in advanced training event
A next-generation gamma-ray observatory powered by Machine Learning techniquesStudent presentation in advanced training event
AGN Multi-Messenger triggers with SWGOOral presentation in collaboration meeting
An enhanced gamma/hadron discrimination using next-generation water Cherenkov detectors powered by Machine Learning techniquesOral presentation in national or international meeting
Analysis and Simulation WG summaryOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Analysis and Simulation Working Group OverviewOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Angular reconstruction … againOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Angular reconstruction for E tanks revisitedOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Assessing the shower footprint for g/h discriminationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Astroparticle Physics: Scientific collaboration between Portugal and Latin AmericanOral presentation in national or international meeting
Atividades de P&D de colaborações internacionais da COHEPOral presentation in national or international meeting
Azimuthal fluctuations and number of muons at the ground in muon-depleted proton air showers at PeV energiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Azimuthal fluctuations and number of muons at the ground in muon-depleted proton air showers at PeV energiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Cosmic ray mass composition at the knee using azimuthal fluctuations of air shower particles detected at the ground by the KASCADE experimentOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Dependence of LCm on hadronic models for primary energies around 100TeVOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Deriving gammapy IRFs for transientsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Deriving gammapy IRFs for transientsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Detecting transient sources of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos with a shower array observatoryOral presentation in national or international meeting
Detection of transient sources of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos with a gamma-ray array observatoryOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Detector Unit Prototyping Status in BrazilOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Evaluation of the potential of a gamma-ray observatory to detect astrophysical neutrinos through inclined showersOral presentation in national or international meeting
Evaluation of the potential of a gamma-ray observatory to detect astrophysical neutrinos through inclined showers.Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Evaluation of the potential of a gamma-ray observatory to detect astrophysical neutrinos.Poster presentation in national or international meeting
Extragalactic and Transient Task Force updatesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Extragalactic and Transient Task Force updatesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Extragalactic and Transient Task Force updatesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Extragalactic and Transient Task Force updatesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Extragalactic transientsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
From IRF scripts to notebookOral presentation in collaboration meeting
G/H discrimination analysing the shower footprint using ML algorithmsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
G/H discrimination using the shower footprintOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Gamma/hadron discrimination at high energies through the azimuthal fluctuations of the particle distributions at groundOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Gamma/hadron discrimination at high energies through the azimuthal fluctuations of the particle distributions at the groundOral presentation in international conference
Gamma/hadron discrimination by means of the shower footprintOral presentation in national or international meeting
Gamma/hadron discrimination in arrays of WCDs with different number of PMTs and in arrays of ScintillatorsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Gamma/hadron discrimination through the azimuthal fluctuations of the particle distributions at ground.Poster presentation in national or international meeting
Gamma/hadron discrimination using a small-WCD with four PMTsPoster presentation in international conference
Gas Regeneration System for RPCsPoster presentation in international conference
GRB benchmark revisionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
GRB benchmark revisionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
GRB benchmark revisionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
GRB benchmark revision towards M6Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Hands-on tools with IRFsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Hands-on tools with IRFs (update)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Hodoscope and Mercedes PrototypeOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Impact of the number of stations on the G/H discriminationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Impact of the trace time resolution on the performance of the ML-based method for muon identification with the Mercedes WCDOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Implementation of the Mercedes module result n Classi (pyswgo)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
LCm reconstruction in aerieOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LCm reconstruction in aerieOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LCm reconstruction in aerieOral presentation in collaboration meeting
LIP in a nutshellOral presentation in national or international meeting
Measurement of PeVatrons with the future Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO)Student presentation in advanced training event
Mensageiros do Universo: os raios CósmicosOutreach seminar
Mercedes TankOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Monitoring Gamma-Ray Burst VHE emission with the Southern Wide-field-of-view Gamma-ray ObservatoryPoster presentation in international conference
Muon identification and gamma/hadron discrimination using compact single-layered water Cherenkov detectors powered by Machine Learning techniquesOral presentation in national or international meeting
Muon identification and gamma/hadron discrimination using compact single-layered water Cherenkov detectors powered by Machine Learning techniques. Second MODE Workshop on Differentiable Programming for Experiment DesignPoster presentation in national or international meeting
Muon identification and gamma/hadron separation using single-layered WCDs at TeV energiesPoster presentation in national or international meeting
Number of muons reconstruction from MLOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Number of muons reconstruction with LCmOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Number of muons reconstruction with LCmOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Observatório Pierre Auger e SWGO: Duas janelas para o Universo extremoOral presentation in advanced training events
Observing and modelling the Universe: from the XIX to the XXI centuryOral presentation in advanced training events
Optimization of water Cherenkov detector for a next-generation gamma-ray observatoryStudent presentation in advanced training event
Probing the cosmic ray composition with SWGOStudent presentation in advanced training event
Prospects for VHE monitoring of Gamma-ray Bursts with SWGOOral presentation in international conference
Ptail and LCm at the highest energiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Ronald Cintra Shellard - 34 anos de trabalhos, projectos e aventuras comunsSeminar
Roto-molded tanksOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Sensitivity studies for transientsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Shallow HDPE TankOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Software development for Extragalactic/Transient studiesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory: status and prospectsOral presentation in international conference
Status of the thermal simulations of the Mercedes WCD tankOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of the P_alpha_tail implementation in aerieOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Strategy to trigger low energy shower events in SWGOOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Strategy to trigger low energy shower events in SWGOOral presentation in collaboration meeting
SWGO Detector tanks thermal simulation: the current stateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Testing and Calibration HodoscopeOral presentation in collaboration meeting
TF preparation towards M6Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
The challenge of detecting Ultra-High-Energy Gamma Rays (> 100 TeV) in the Southern Hemisphere Seminar
The challenge of detecting Ultra-High-Energy Gamma Rays (> 100 TeV) in the Southern HemisphereSeminar
The discriminator LCm in inhomogeneous arraysOral presentation in collaboration meeting
The LCm variable : Gamma/hadron discrimination and more in ground-based gamma-ray observatoriesOral presentation in national or international meeting
The Mercedes WCD: a 3-PMT single-layer water Cherenkov detector for large cosmic ray ground arraysOral presentation in collaboration meeting
The Palpha_tail variable : A high-resolution gamma/hadron and composition discriminant for Water- Cherenkov-Detector cosmic-ray observatoriesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
The P_alpha_tail variable : A high-resolution gamma/hadron and composition discriminant for Water- Cherenkov-Detector cosmic-ray observatoriesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
The Southern Wide Field Gamma Ray Observatory (SWGO): a new window to the UniverseSeminar
The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray ObservatoryOral presentation in national or international meeting
Towards M6: gamma/hadron discrimination comparisionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Towards the SWGO Layout optimizationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Transient and Extragalactic Task Force updatesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Transient and Extragalactic Task Force updatesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Transient/EG Task Force – Working Group coordinationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Transient/EG Task Force status reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Transient/EG Task Force status updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Transient/EG Task Force status updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Transient/EG Task Force status updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Transient/EG Task Force status updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Trigger simulation for the Mercedes stationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Ultra-High Energy source monitoring with SWGOOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Ultra-High Energy source monitoring with SWGOOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Um Observatório de raios gama com grande abertura angular nos AndesSeminar
Update of the status of the implementation of the ML-based methods for the E1 and E4 configurationsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on Mercedes tanksOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on rotomolded tank designOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Updates on gammapy IRFs for transientsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
VHE Sky Monitoring with the Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray ObservatoryOral presentation in international conference
VHE Sky Monitoring with the Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray ObservatoryOral presentation in international conference
Working with GRB benchmarkOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Working with IRFs for transientsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Working with IRFs for transientsOral presentation in collaboration meeting


A next-generation gamma-ray observatory powered by Machine Learning techniques
Multi-messenger physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory and SWGO
Reaching for PeVatrons with the future Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory


Alberto Blanco Castro
Alessandro de Angelis
Bernardo António Neto Gomes Baptista Tomé
Borja Serrano González
Fernando José de Carvalho Barão
Giovanni La Mura
José Bernardo Vilela Brazão Ferreira
José Carlos Fernandes Nogueira
Laura Peres
Lucio Gibilisco
Luís Alberto Vieira Lopes
Luís Miguel Domingues Mendes
Maria Catarina Ferreira do Espírito Santo
Mário João Martins Pimenta
Miguel António Freitas Ferreira
Miguel César Godinho
Paulo Jorge Ribeiro da Fonte
Pedro Jorge dos Santos de Assis
Pedro Miguel Félix Brogueira
Pedro Moraes Salgueiro Teixeira de Abreu
Ruben Maurício da Silva Conceição



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Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas   LIP.PT

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