Master's Thesis Defense
"Maria Miguel Cruz, a UC student, defended her master's thesis. The work was developed in the context of the ATLAS upgrade and in collaboration with LIP's eCRLab. Congratulations to the new Master! "
On February 28th, at the University of Coimbra (UC), Maria Miguel Cruz successfully defended her master's thesis on a new electronics board for upgrading the ATLAS experiment.
The board is intended for the interlock system of two new detectors that are being developed for ATLAS operation during the LHC's high-luminosity phase (ITk and HGTD). In addition to designing and prototyping this board, Maria developed the automated testing system for quality control.
Around 50 of these boards will be produced and should ensure the safety of people and installations for the foreseeable future.
The thesis was developed in the context of the ATLAS upgrade, in collaboration with LIP's eCRLab, and under the supervision of Ricardo Gonçalo and Pedro Assis. In addition to the supervisors and the president of the jury, João Cardoso (FCTUC), Helena Santos (LIP) and Mengqing Wu (Univ. of Nijmegen, Netherlands) participated remotely.
Congratulations Maria, on your excellent job!