Luís Mendes
Technician ( LIP Lisboa )
Outdoor systems performance and upgrade
- Autor(es): L. Lopes et al. (20 authors)
Submission: 2022-12-11 Acceptance: 2023-04-29 Publication: 2023-09-01
Reference: NIMA 1054, 168446, 2023
The Mercedes water Cherenkov detector
- Autor(es): P. Assis, A. Bakalová, U. Barres de Almeida, P. Brogueira, R. Conceição, A. De Angelis, L. Gibilisco, B. S. González, A. Guillén, G. La Mura, L. M. D. Mendes, L. F. Mendes, M. Pimenta, R. C. Shellard, B. Tomé, J. Vícha
Submission: 2022-03-17 Acceptance: 2022-10-11 Publication: 2022-10-11
Reference: Eur.Phys.J.C 82 (2022) 10, 899
The Mercedes water Cherenkov detector
- Autor(es): P. Assis, A. Bakalová, U. Barres de Almeida, P. Brogueira, R. Conceição, A. De Angelis, L. Gibilisco, B. S. González, A. Guillén, G. La Mura, L. M. D. Mendes, L. F. Mendes, M. Pimenta, R. C. Shellard, B. Tomé, J. Vícha
Submission: 2022-03-16 Acceptance: 2022-03-16 Publication: 2022-03-16
Reference: arXiv:2203.08782 [physics.ins-det]
Long term experience in Autonomous Stations and production quality control
- Autor(es): L. Lopes, A. B. Alves, P. Assis, A. Blanco, N. Carolino, M. A. Cerda, R. Conceição, O. Cunha, C. Dobrigkeit, M. Ferreira, P. Fonte, L. de Almeida, R. Luz, V. B. Martins, L. Mendes, J. C. Nogueira, A. Pereira, M. Pimenta, R. Sarmento, V. de Souza, B. Tomé
Submission: 2018-07-06 Acceptance: 2019-05-23 Publication: 2019-07-02
Reference: J. Instrum. 14 (2019) C07002
MARTA: A high-energy cosmic-ray detector concept with high-accuracy muon measurement
- Autor(es): P. Abreu, S. Andringa, P. Assis, A. Blanco, V. Barbosa Martins, P. Brogueira, N. Carolino, L. Cazon, M. Cerda, G. Cernicchiaro, R. Colalillo, R. Conceição, O. Cunha, R. M. de Almeida, V. de Souza, F. Diogo, C. Dobrigkeit, J. Espadanal, C. Espirito-Santo, M. Ferreira, P. Ferreira, P. Fonte, U. Giaccari, P. Gonçalves, F. Guarino, O. C. Lippmann, L. Lopes, R. Luz, D. Maurizio, F. Marujo, P. Mazur, L. Mendes, A. Pereira, M. Pimenta, R. R. Prado, J. Rídký, R. Sarmento, C. Scarso, R. Shellard, J. Souza, B. Tomé,
Submission: 2017-12-20 Publication: 2018-04-24
Reference: Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78: 333
Autonomous RPCs for a Cosmic Ray ground array
- Autor(es): Pedro Assis, Alberto Blanco, Nuno Carolino, Ruben Conceição, Orlando Cunha, Carola Dobrigkeit, Miguel Ferreira, Paulo Fonte, Luis Lopes, Ricardo Luz, Victor Barbosa Martins, Luis Mendes, Américo Pereira, Mário Pimenta, Raul Sarmento, Ronald Shellard, Vitor de Souza, Bernardo Tomé
Publication: 2017-08-16
Reference: PoS ICRC2017 (2018) 379
A large area TOF-tracker device based on multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers
- Autor(es): P. Assis et al. (18 authors)
Submission: 2016-10-15 Acceptance: 2016-10-15 Publication: 2016-10-15
Reference: J. Instrum. 11 (2016) C10002
Outdoor field experience with autonomous RPC based stations
- Autor(es): L. Lopes et al. (15 authors)
Submission: 2016-09-15 Acceptance: 2016-09-15 Publication: 2016-09-15
Reference: J. Instrum. 11 (2016) C09011
Resistive Plate Chambers for the Pierre Auger array upgrade
- Autor(es): L. Lopes, P. Assis, A. Blanco, M. A. Cerda, N. Carolino, O. Cunha, M. Ferreira, P. Fonte, L. Mendes, M. Palka, A. Pereira, M. Pimenta and B. Tomé
Publication: 2014-10-16
Reference: Journal of Instrumentation 9 (2014) C10023
FAMOUS - A prototype silicon photomultiplier telescope for the fluorescence detection of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays
- Autor(es): M. Stephan et al. (11 authors)
Submission: 2013-08-28 Acceptance: 2013-08-28 Publication: 2013-08-28
Reference: EPJ Web Conf. 53 (2013) 08015
On Lesion Detectability by Means of 300ps-FWHM TOF Whole-Body RPC-PET: an Experiment-Based Simulation Study
- Autor(es): P. Martins, M. Couceiro, N. C. Ferreira, R. Ferreira Marques, P. Fonte, L. Mendes, P. Crespo
Publication: 2012-12-31
Reference: 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC) (2012) 2440 - 2444
FAMOUS: A prototype silicon-photomultiplier telescope for the fluorescence detection of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays
- Autor(es): Markus Lauscher, Pedro Assis, Pedro Brogueira, Miguel Ferreira, Thomas Hebbeker, Luís Mendes, Christine Meurer, Lukas Middendorf, Tim Niggemann, Mário Pimenta, Johannes Schumacher, Maurice Stephan
Publication: 2012-09-27
Reference: Proceedings of SPIE conference 8460, Biosensing and Nanomedicine (San Diego, California, United States)
Spatial resolution of human RPC-PET system
- Autor(es): M. Couceiro, P. Crespo, L. Mendes, N. Ferreira, R. Ferreira Marques and P. Fonte
Acceptance: 2010-08-04 Publication: 2012-01-01
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 661 (2012) S156-S158
R&D for future SiPM cameras for Fluorescence and Cherenkov Telescopes
- Autor(es): P. Assis, P. Brogueira, O. Catalano, M. Ferreira, T. Hebbeker, M. Lauscher, E. Lorenz, L. Mendes, C. Meurer, R. Mirzoyan, T. Niggemann, M. Pimenta, P. Rodrigues, T. Schweizer, M. Stephan, M. Teshima
Publication: 2011-12-25
Reference: Proceedings of the ICRC2011, 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Beijing, China
R&D in Photosensors and Data Acquisition Systems for a New Generation of Cosmic Ray Cherenkov and Fluorescence Imaging Focal Planes
- Autor(es): Pedro Assis, Pedro Brogueira, Osvaldo Catalano, Miguel Ferreira, Luís Mendes, Mário Pimenta, Pedro Rodrigues, Thomas Schweizer
Submission: 2011-07-06 Acceptance: 2011-11-18 Publication: 2011-12-15
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip., 695, 365 (2012)
A Direct Time-of-Flight Reconstruction for Whole-Body Single-Bed RPC-PET: Results from Lesion and Anthropomorphic Simulated Data
- Autor(es): P. Martins, A. Blanco, F. Caramelo, M. Couceiro, N. C. Ferreira, R. Ferreira Marques, P. Fonte, L. Mendes, P. Crespo
Publication: 2011-10-23
Reference: 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record MIC9.S-217
R&D for future SiPM cameras for Fluorescence and Cherenkov Telescopes
- Autor(es): P. Assis, P. Brogueira, O. Catalano, M. Ferreira, T. Hebbeker, M. Lauscher, E. Lorenz, L. Mendes, C. Meurer, R. Mirzoyan, T. Niggemann, M. Pimenta, P. Rodrigues, T. Schweizer, M. Stephan, M. Teshima
Submission: 2011-03-01 Acceptance: 2011-03-01 Publication: 2011-09-18
Reference: Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference
Cosmic Ray Cherenkov and Fluorescence Imaging: Photosensors and data acquisition systems for a new generation of focal planes
- Autor(es): P. Assis, P. Brogueira, O. Catalano, M. Ferreira, L. Mendes, M. Pimenta, P. Rodrigues, T. Schweizer, A. Trindade
Publication: 2011-07-19
Reference: Nuovo Cimento C Volume 034 Issue 03 pp 141-146
Development of component-based normalization correction for the Clear-PEM system
- Autor(es): C. Guerreiro, N. C. Ferreira, R. Bugalho, A. Trindade, N. Matela, M. V. Martins, L. Mendes, C. S. Ferreira, P. Almeida, J. Varela
Publication: 2009-10-25
Reference: IEEE09 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando, USA