Nuno Carolino
Technician ( LIP Coimbra )
Outdoor systems performance and upgrade
- Autor(es): L. Lopes et al. (20 authors)
Submission: 2022-12-11 Acceptance: 2023-04-29 Publication: 2023-09-01
Reference: NIMA 1054, 168446, 2023
Long term experience in Autonomous Stations and production quality control
- Autor(es): L. Lopes, A. B. Alves, P. Assis, A. Blanco, N. Carolino, M. A. Cerda, R. Conceição, O. Cunha, C. Dobrigkeit, M. Ferreira, P. Fonte, L. de Almeida, R. Luz, V. B. Martins, L. Mendes, J. C. Nogueira, A. Pereira, M. Pimenta, R. Sarmento, V. de Souza, B. Tomé
Submission: 2018-07-06 Acceptance: 2019-05-23 Publication: 2019-07-02
Reference: J. Instrum. 14 (2019) C07002
Multi-purpose trigger system for medium particle detector devices
- Autor(es): F.Clemêncio, A.Blanco, N.Carolino, C.Loureiro
Submission: 2018-12-14 Acceptance: 2019-03-17 Publication: 2019-03-23
Reference: NIMA 929 2019 142-147
The trigger system of a large area RPC TOF-tracker muon telescope
- Autor(es): F. Clemêncio, A. Blanco, N. Carolino and C. Loureiro
Submission: 2018-06-01 Acceptance: 2018-07-21 Publication: 2018-08-02
Reference: JINST 13 T08001 (2018)
MARTA: A high-energy cosmic-ray detector concept with high-accuracy muon measurement
- Autor(es): P. Abreu, S. Andringa, P. Assis, A. Blanco, V. Barbosa Martins, P. Brogueira, N. Carolino, L. Cazon, M. Cerda, G. Cernicchiaro, R. Colalillo, R. Conceição, O. Cunha, R. M. de Almeida, V. de Souza, F. Diogo, C. Dobrigkeit, J. Espadanal, C. Espirito-Santo, M. Ferreira, P. Ferreira, P. Fonte, U. Giaccari, P. Gonçalves, F. Guarino, O. C. Lippmann, L. Lopes, R. Luz, D. Maurizio, F. Marujo, P. Mazur, L. Mendes, A. Pereira, M. Pimenta, R. R. Prado, J. Rídký, R. Sarmento, C. Scarso, R. Shellard, J. Souza, B. Tomé,
Submission: 2017-12-20 Publication: 2018-04-24
Reference: Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78: 333
Autonomous RPCs for a Cosmic Ray ground array
- Autor(es): Pedro Assis, Alberto Blanco, Nuno Carolino, Ruben Conceição, Orlando Cunha, Carola Dobrigkeit, Miguel Ferreira, Paulo Fonte, Luis Lopes, Ricardo Luz, Victor Barbosa Martins, Luis Mendes, Américo Pereira, Mário Pimenta, Raul Sarmento, Ronald Shellard, Vitor de Souza, Bernardo Tomé
Publication: 2017-08-16
Reference: PoS ICRC2017 (2018) 379
A large area TOF-tracker device based on multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers
- Autor(es): P. Assis et al. (18 authors)
Submission: 2016-10-15 Acceptance: 2016-10-15 Publication: 2016-10-15
Reference: J. Instrum. 11 (2016) C10002
Outdoor field experience with autonomous RPC based stations
- Autor(es): L. Lopes et al. (15 authors)
Submission: 2016-09-15 Acceptance: 2016-09-15 Publication: 2016-09-15
Reference: J. Instrum. 11 (2016) C09011
Trigger System for a Large Area RPC TOF-tracker
- Autor(es): Filomena M. C. Clemencio, Alberto Blanco, Nuno Carolino, Custodio F. M. Loureiro
Submission: 2016-07-01 Acceptance: 2016-07-01 Publication: 2016-07-01
Reference: 2016 IEEE-NPSS REAL TIME CONFERENCE (RT) ISBN 978-1-5090-2014-0 (2016)
Muon Array with RPCs for Tagging Air showers (MARTA)
- Autor(es): R. Sarmento, P. Abreu, S. Andringa Dias, P. Assis, A. Blanco Castro, P. Brogueira, N. Carolino, L. Cazon, M. Cerda, G. Cernicchiaro, R. Colalillo, R. Conceição, O. Cunha, F. Diogo, J. Espadanal, M. Ferreira, P. Fonte, U. G
Publication: 2015-08-17
Reference: Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference PoS(ICRC2015)629
Resistive Plate Chambers for the Pierre Auger array upgrade
- Autor(es): L. Lopes, P. Assis, A. Blanco, M. A. Cerda, N. Carolino, O. Cunha, M. Ferreira, P. Fonte, L. Mendes, M. Palka, A. Pereira, M. Pimenta and B. Tomé
Publication: 2014-10-16
Reference: Journal of Instrumentation 9 (2014) C10023
Considerations on the choice of RPCs as charged particle detectors for MARTA
- Autor(es): A. Blanco, N. Carolino, O. Cunha, P. Fonte, L. Lopes, A. Pereira
Publication: 2013-02-15
Reference: GAP2013-016
The HADES RPC inner TOF Wall
- Autor(es): D.Belver, A.Blanco, P.Cabanelas, N.Carolino, E.Castro, J.Diaz, P.Fonte, J.A.Garzón, D.Gonzalez-Diaz, A.Gil, W.Koenig, L.Lopes, A. Mangiarotti, O.Oliveira, A.Pereira, C.Silva, C.C.Sousa, M.Zapata
Acceptance: 2008-11-01 Publication: 2009-05-01
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 602 (2009) 687-690
Very high position resolution gamma imaging with Resistive Plate Chambers
- Autor(es): A. Blanco, N. Carolino, C.M.B.A. Correia, L. Fazendeiro, Nuno C. Ferreira, M.F.Ferreira Marques, R. Ferreira Marques, P. Fonte, C. Gil, M. P. Macedo
Submission: 2006-11-01 Acceptance: 2006-11-01 Publication: 2006-11-01
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 567 (2006) 96-99
Spatial resolution of a small animal RPC-PET prototype operating under magnetic field
- Autor(es): A. Blanco, N. Carolino, C.M.B.A. Correia, L. Fazendeiro, Nuno C. Ferreira, M.F. Ferreira Marques, R. Ferreira Marques, P. Fonte, C. Gil, M. P. Macedo
Submission: 2006-08-01 Acceptance: 2006-08-01 Publication: 2006-08-01
Reference: Nucl. Phys. B ( Proc. Suppl.) 158 (2006) 157-160
RPC-PET: a new very high resolution PET technology
- Autor(es): A.Blanco, N.Carolino, N. Chichorro, C.Correia, M. P. Macedo, L. Fazendeiro, R. Ferreira Marques, P.Fonte
Submission: 2005-12-31 Acceptance: 2005-12-31 Publication: 2005-12-31
Reference: IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 53 (2006) 2489-2494
A large area timing RPC prototype for ion collisions in the HADES spectrometer
- Autor(es): H. Alvarez-Pol, R.Alves, A.Blanco, N.Carolino, J.Eschke, R.Ferreira Marques, P.Fonte, A.Pereira, J.Pietraszko, J.Pinhão, A.Policarpo, J.Garzon, D.González, J.Stroth
Submission: 2004-12-11 Acceptance: 2004-12-11 Publication: 2004-12-11
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A535 (2004) 277-282
Progress in timing Resistive Plate Chambers
- Autor(es): A. Blanco, N.Carolino, C.Correia, R.Ferreira-Marques, P.Fonte, A.Gobbi, D.González, I.Lopes, L.Lopes, M.P.Macedo, A.Mangiarotti, V.Peskov, A.Policarpo
Submission: 2004-12-11 Acceptance: 2004-12-11 Publication: 2004-12-11
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A535 (2004) 272-276
An RPC-PET prototype with high spatial resolution
- Autor(es): A. Blanco, N.Carolino, C.M.B.A.Correia, M. P. Macedo, R.Ferreira Marques, P.Fonte, D.González, M.I.Lopes, A.Policarpo
Submission: 2004-11-01 Acceptance: 2004-11-01 Publication: 2004-11-01
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A533 (2004) 139-143
Performance of shielded timing RPCs in a 12C fragmentation experiment
- Autor(es): H. Alvarez-Pol, R.Alves, A.Blanco, N.Carolino, J.Eschke, R.Ferreira Marques, P.Fonte, A.Pereira, J.Pietraszko, J.Pinhão, A.Policarpo, J.Garzon, D.González, J.Stroth
Submission: 2004-11-01 Acceptance: 2004-11-01 Publication: 2004-11-01
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A533 (2004) 79-85
A new front-end electronics chain for timing RPCs
- Autor(es): A. Blanco, N. Carolino, P. Fonte, A. Gobbi
Submission: 2001-10-31 Acceptance: 2001-10-31 Publication: 2001-10-31
Reference: IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.48 (2001) 1249-1253
High resolution RPCs for large TOF systems
- Autor(es): P. Fonte, R. Ferreira Marques, J. Pinhão, N. Carolino, A. Policarpo
Submission: 2000-07-11 Acceptance: 2000-07-11 Publication: 2000-07-11
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A449 (2000) 295
A simplified and accurate front-end electronics chain for timing RPCs
- Autor(es): A. Blanco, N. Carolino, P. Fonte, A. Gobbi
Submission: 1900-01-15 Acceptance: 2000-05-05 Publication: 2000-05-05
Reference: CERN-ALI-2000-008; CERN-ALICE-PUB-2000-008
A spark-protected high-rate detector
- Autor(es): P. Fonte, N.Carolino, L.Costa, R.Ferreira-Marques, S.Mendiratta, V.Peskov, A.Policarpo
Submission: 1999-07-11 Acceptance: 1999-07-11 Publication: 1999-07-11
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A431 (1999) 154
A new material for extremelly high counting rate proportional mode RPCs
- Autor(es): P. Fonte, N.Carolino, Y.Ivaniouchenkov, V.Peskov
Submission: 1998-05-15 Acceptance: 1998-05-15 Publication: 1998-05-15
Reference: Scientifica Actavol.13, n. 2 (1998)