Alexandre Lindote
Researcher ( LIP Coimbra )
A search for new physics in low-energy electron recoils from the first LZ exposure
- Autor(es): J. Aalbers et al. (The LZ Collaboration)
Submission: 2023-07-28 Acceptance: 2023-09-12 Publication: 2023-10-09
Reference: Phys. Rev. D 108, 072006 (2023)
A machine learning-based methodology for pulse classification in dual-phase xenon time projection chambers
- Autor(es): P. Bras, F. Neves, A. Lindote, A. Cottle, R. Cabrita, E. Lopez Asamar, G. Pereira, C. Silva, V. Solovov, M.I. Lopes
Submission: 2022-06-24 Acceptance: 2022-06-24 Publication: 2022-06-24
Reference: Eur. Phys. J. C 82 (2022) 553
Projected sensitivity of the LUX-ZEPLIN experiment to the two neutrino and neutrinoless double beta decays in Xe-134
- Autor(es): D. S. Akerib et al.
Submission: 2021-05-19 Acceptance: 2021-11-19 Publication: 2021-12-10
Reference: Phys. Rev. C 104 (2021) 065501
Projected sensitivity of the LUX-ZEPLIN experiment to the 0 nu beta beta decay of Xe-136
- Autor(es): LUX-ZEPLIN LZ Collaboration (192 authors)
Submission: 2020-07-06 Acceptance: 2020-07-06 Publication: 2020-07-06
Reference: Phys. Rev. C 102 (2020) 014602
Projected WIMP sensitivity of the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter experiment
- Autor(es): LUX-ZEPLIN Collaboration (178 authors)
Submission: 2018-04-05 Acceptance: 2020-03-04 Publication: 2020-03-04
Reference: Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020) 052002
The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment
- Autor(es): D. S. Akerib et al. (381 authors)
Submission: 2020-02-11 Acceptance: 2020-02-11 Publication: 2020-02-11
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. 953 (2020) 163047
Radiogenic and muon-induced backgrounds in the LUX dark matter detector
- Autor(es): D.S. Akerib et al.
Submission: 2014-03-06 Acceptance: 2014-07-09 Publication: 2015-03-01
Reference: Astroparticle Physics, 62 (2015) 33-46
First Results from the LUX Dark Matter Experiment at the Sanford Underground Research Facility
- Autor(es): D. S. Akerib et al. (LUX Collaboration)
Publication: 2014-03-04
Reference: Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (2014) 091303
Preselection, blinding and evt volume reduction for Run 4
- Autor(es): Alastair Currie, Carlos Faham, Alex Lindote
Publication: 2013-12-06
Reference: Technical Note, LuxDB00000222
A measurement of the muon induced neutron yield in lead at a depth of 2850 m water equivalent
- Autor(es): L. Reichhart, A. Lindote, V. Chepel, L. DeViveiros, M. I. Lopes, F. Neves, J. Pinto da Cunha, C. Silva, V. N. Solovov et al.
Submission: 2013-05-31 Publication: 2013-10-01
Reference: AIP Conference Proceedings, 1549 (2013) pp. 219222
Measurement and simulation of the muon-induced neutron yield in lead
- Autor(es): L. Reichhart, A. Lindote, D. Yu Akimov et al.
Submission: 2013-02-18 Acceptance: 2013-06-12 Publication: 2013-06-20
Reference: Astroparticle Physics 47 (2013) 67-76
Technical Results from the Surface Run of the LUX Dark Matter Experiment
- Autor(es): D.S. Akerib et al.
Submission: 2012-10-13 Acceptance: 2013-02-15 Publication: 2013-03-07
Reference: Astroparticle Physics 45 (2013) 34-43
Position Reconstruction in a Dual Phase Xenon Scintillation Detector
- Autor(es): V. N. Solovov, V. A. Belov, D. Yu Akimov, H. M. Araujo, E. J. Barnes, A. A. Burenkov, V. Chepel, A. Currie, L. DeViveiros, B. Edwards, C. Ghag, A. Hollingsworth, M. Horn, G. E. Kalmus, A. S. Kobyakin, A. G. Kovalenko, V. N
Submission: 2012-12-31 Acceptance: 2012-12-31 Publication: 2012-12-31
Reference: IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 59, 3286 (2012)
The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) Experiment
- Autor(es): D.S. Akerib et al.
Submission: 2012-11-21 Acceptance: 2012-11-22 Publication: 2012-11-29
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 704 111-126 (2013)
An Ultra-Low Background PMT for Liquid Xenon Detectors
- Autor(es): D.S. Akerib, L. deViveiros, A. Lindote, M. I. Lopes, F. Neves, C. Silva, V.N. Solovov, et al.
Submission: 2012-05-10 Acceptance: 2012-09-06 Publication: 2012-11-16
Reference: Nuclear Instrum. Meth. A 703 (2013) 1–6
Position Reconstruction in a Dual Phase Xenon Scintillation Detector
- Autor(es): V. N. Solovov, V. A. Belov, D. Yu Akimov, H. M. Araujo, E. J. Barnes, A. A. Burenkov, V. Chepel, A. Currie, L. DeViveiros, B. Edwards, C. Ghag, A. Hollingsworth, M. Horn, G. E. Kalmus, A. S. Kobyakin, A. G. Kovalenko, V. N
Submission: 2011-12-17 Acceptance: 2012-09-17 Publication: 2012-11-01
LUX Cryogenics and Circulation
- Autor(es): A. Bradley et al. (LUX Collaboration)
Submission: 2011-10-11 Acceptance: 2012-03-14 Publication: 2012-10-02
Reference: Phys.Procedia 37 (2012) 1122-1130
Quenching factor for low-energy nuclear recoils in a plastic scintillator
- Autor(es): L. Reichhart, D. Yu Akimov, H. M. Araujo, E. J. Barnes, V. A. Belov, A. A. Burenkov, V. Chepel, A. Currie, L. DeViveiros, B. Edwards, V. Francis, C. Ghag, A. Hollingsworth, M. Horn, G. E. Kalmus, A. S. Kobyakin, A. G. Kova
Submission: 2011-11-09 Acceptance: 2012-05-21 Publication: 2012-06-04
Reference: Phys. Rev. C, 85, 065801 (2012)
Performance data from the ZEPLIN-III second science run
- Autor(es): P.Majewski, V. Solovov, et al.
Submission: 2011-12-01 Acceptance: 2012-02-22 Publication: 2012-03-28
Reference: JINST 7 (2012) C03044
WIMP-nucleon cross-section results from the second science run of ZEPLIN-III
- Autor(es): D.Akimov et al.
Submission: 2011-10-21 Acceptance: 2012-01-24 Publication: 2012-03-13
Reference: Phys. Lett. B 709, 14-20 (2012)
Radioactivity Backgrounds in ZEPLIN-III
- Autor(es): H.M.Araújo et al.,
Submission: 2011-04-18 Acceptance: 2011-11-01 Publication: 2012-03-12
Reference: Astropart. Phys. 35(8): 495 (2012)
Single electron emission in two-phase xenon with application to the detection of coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering
- Autor(es): E. Santos, B. Edwards, V. Chepel, H. M. Araújo, D. Y. Akimov et al
Submission: 2011-10-14 Acceptance: 2011-12-07 Publication: 2011-12-30
Reference: JHEP 12 (2011) 115
ZE3RA: the ZEPLIN-III reduction and analysis package
- Autor(es): F. Neves et al.
Submission: 2011-07-26 Acceptance: 2011-10-29 Publication: 2011-11-10
Reference: JINST 6, P11004 (2011)
Nuclear recoil scintillation and ionisation yields in liquid xenon from ZEPLIN-III data
- Autor(es): M.Horn et al
Submission: 2011-06-20 Acceptance: 2011-10-17 Publication: 2011-10-20
Reference: Phys. Lett. B 705:471 (2011)
Performance of the veto detector incorporated into the ZEPLIN-III experiment
- Autor(es): C. Ghag et al
Submission: 2011-02-24 Acceptance: 2011-06-13 Publication: 2011-06-20
Reference: Astroparticle Physics 35(2): 76 (2011)
Limits on inelastic dark matter with ZEPLIN-III
- Autor(es): D.Akimov et al.
Submission: 2010-06-20 Acceptance: 2010-07-21 Publication: 2010-07-29
Reference: Phys. Lett. B 692: 180 (2010)
The ZEPLIN-III anti-coincidence veto detector
- Autor(es): D.Akimov et al.
Submission: 2010-02-04 Acceptance: 2010-06-15 Publication: 2010-06-29
Reference: Astropart, Phys. 34: 151-163 (2010)
Calibration of Photomultiplier Arrays
- Autor(es): F. Neves, V. Chepel, D. Yu. Akimov, H. M. Araujo, E. J. Barnes et al,
Submission: 2009-07-26 Acceptance: 2009-10-22 Publication: 2009-10-28
Reference: Astroparticle Physics 33 (2010) 13-18
Limits on the spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon cross sections from the first science run of the ZEPLIN-III experiment
- Autor(es): V.N. Lebedenko, H.M. Araújo, E.J. Barnes, A. Bewick, R. Cashmore, V.Chepel, et al,
Submission: 2009-01-27 Publication: 2009-10-08
Reference: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 151302 (2009) [4 pages]
Results from the First Science Run of the ZEPLIN-III Dark Matter Search Experiment
- Autor(es): V.N. Lebedenko, H.M. Araújo, E.J. Barnes, A. Bewick, R. Cashmore, V.Chepel, et al
Submission: 2008-12-08 Acceptance: 2009-08-31 Publication: 2009-09-25
Reference: Physical Review D, Vol.80, No.5 (2009) 052010, [14 pages]
Simulation of neutrons produced by high-energy muons underground
- Autor(es): A.Lindote, H. M. Araújo, V. Kudryavstev, M. Robinson
Submission: 2008-10-09 Acceptance: 2009-03-26 Publication: 2009-04-05
Reference: Astroparticle Physics 31 (2009), 366-375
Measurement of single electron emission in two-phase xenon
- Autor(es): B.Edwards,H.M.Araujo, V.Chepel, D.Cline,T.Durkin, et al.
Submission: 2007-12-14 Acceptance: 2008-06-12 Publication: 2008-07-03
Reference: Astroparticle Physics 30 (2008) 54-57
Measurements of neutrons produced by high-energy muons at the Boulby Underground Laboratory
- Autor(es): H.M. Araujo et al.
Submission: 2008-03-12 Acceptance: 2008-05-20 Publication: 2008-06-06
Reference: Astroparticle Physics 29 (2008) 471-481
The ZEPLIN II dark matter detector: Data acquisition system and data reduction
- Autor(es): G.J. Alner et al.
Submission: 2007-05-16 Acceptance: 2007-11-02 Publication: 2008-01-01
Reference: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 587 (2008) 101-166
Position Reconstruction in a Liquid Xenon Scintillation Chamber for Low Energy Nuclear Recoils and Gamma-Rays
- Autor(es): F.Neves, V.Solovov, V.Chepel, M.I.Lopes, J.Pinto da Cunha, A.Lindote, C.Silva
Submission: 2005-09-12 Acceptance: 2006-03-23 Publication: 2007-11-29
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. and Meth A. 573 (2007) 48-53
Preliminary results on position reconstruction for ZEPLIN III
- Autor(es): A. Lindote, H. M. Araujo, J. Pinto da Cunha, V. Chepel, M. I. Lopes et al.
Submission: 2005-09-12 Acceptance: 2006-01-15 Publication: 2007-11-21
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. and Meth A. 573 (2007) 200-203
The ZEPLIN III Detector; Results from Surface Calibrations
- Autor(es): T. J. Sumner et al.
Submission: 2007-11-01 Acceptance: 2007-11-01 Publication: 2007-11-01
Reference: Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 173 (2007) 108-112
Limits on spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon cross-sections from the first ZEPLIN-II data
- Autor(es): G.J. Alner et al.
Submission: 2007-05-01 Acceptance: 2007-08-10 Publication: 2007-08-15
Reference: Physics Letters B 653 (2007) 161-166
First limits on WIMP nuclear recoil signals in ZEPLIN-II: a two phase xenon detector for dark matter detection
- Autor(es): G. J. Alner et al.
Submission: 2007-01-29 Acceptance: 2007-06-10 Publication: 2007-06-14
Reference: Astroparticle Physics 28 (2007) 287-304
A survey of energy loss calculations for heavy ions between 1 and 100 keV
- Autor(es): A. Mangiarotti, M. I. Lopes, M. L. Benabderrahmane, V. Chepel, A. Lindote, P. Sona, J. Pinto da Cunha
Submission: 2006-10-25 Acceptance: 2007-01-29 Publication: 2007-05-13
Reference: Nucl. Instrum. and Meth A 580 (2007) 114-117
The ZEPLIN-III dark matter detector: instrument design, manufacture and commissioning
- Autor(es): D.Yu. Akimov et al.
Submission: 2006-05-12 Acceptance: 2006-09-05 Publication: 2006-10-12
Reference: Astroparticle Physics, 27 (1), 2007, 46-60
The ZEPLIN-III dark matter detector: Performance study using an end-to-end simulation tool
- Autor(es): H.M. Araújo, D.Yu. Akimov, G.J. Alner, A. Bewick, C. Bungau, B. Camanzi, M.J. Carson, V. Chepel, H. Chagani, D. Davidge, J.C. Davies, E. Daw, J. Dawson, T. Durkin, B. Edwards, T. Gamble, C. Ghag, et al.
Submission: 2006-03-13 Acceptance: 2006-05-28 Publication: 2006-06-30
Reference: Astroparticle Physics 26 (2), 2006, 140-153
Scintillation efficiency of liquid xenon for nuclear recoils with the energy down to 5 keV
- Autor(es): V. Chepel, V. Solovov, F. Neves, A. Pereira, P.J. Mendes, C.P. Silva, A. Lindote, J. Pinto da Cunha, M.I. Lopes,S. Kossionides
Submission: 2005-12-20 Acceptance: 2006-05-03 Publication: 2006-06-05
Reference: Astroparticle Physics 26 (1) 2006 58-63
Performance of a Chamber for Studying the Liquid Xenon Response to Gamma-Rays and Nuclear Recoils
- Autor(es): F. Neves, V. Chepel, V. Solovov, A. Pereira, M. I. Lopes, J. Pinto da Cunha, P. Mendes, A. Lindote, C.P. Silva, R. Ferreira Marques and A. J.P.L. Policarpo
Submission: 2005-07-23 Acceptance: 2005-07-23 Publication: 2005-12-01
Reference: IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci. 52, 2005, 2793-2800
Study of Liquid Xenon Scintillation for Dark Matter Search
- Autor(es): F. Neves, V. Chepel, V. Solovov, A. Pereira, M. I. Lopes, J. Pinto da Cunha, P. Mendes, A. Lindote, C.P. Silva, R. Ferreira Marques and A. J.P.L. Policarpo
Submission: 2005-06-26 Acceptance: 2005-06-26 Publication: 2005-06-26
Reference: Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, IEEE Press, IEEE Cat. Nº 05CH37643, 2005,pp.333-336
Performance of a Chamber for Studying the Liquid Xenon Response to Nuclear Recoils
- Autor(es): V. Chepel, F. Neves, V. Solovov, A. Pereira, M. I. Lopes, J. Pinto da Cunha, P. Mendes, A. Lindote, C.P. Silva, R. Ferreira Marques and A. J.P.L. Policarpo
Submission: 2004-10-15 Acceptance: 2004-10-15 Publication: 2004-10-15
Reference: Conference Record of 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Rome, Italy, 2004, Volume 1, Issue , 16-22 Oct. 2004 Page(s): 422 - 426 Vol. 1
On the propagation and detection of scintillation light in liquid xenon
- Autor(es): V. Chepel, M.I. Lopes, V. Solovov, F. Neves, J. pinto da Cunha, A. Lindote and A. Policarpo
Submission: 2003-01-29 Acceptance: 2003-01-29 Publication: 2003-01-29
Reference: Proceedings of the “High Pressure Xenon: Fundamental Research, Detectors and Application”, Moscow, Russia, January 29-31, 2003, 206-2007.
Liquid Xenon Scintillation: Light Propagation and Detection
- Autor(es): V. Chepel, V. Solovov, F. Neves, M.I. Lopes, A. Lindote and J. Pinto da Cunha,
Submission: 2003-01-01 Acceptance: 2003-01-01 Publication: 2003-01-01
Reference: The Identification of Dark Matter, Word Scientific, 377-382