XX Physics in Collision Conference
Lisbon, June 29 - July 1, 2000

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Title: "Z Physics"
Session: Electro-Weak
Author: Simonetta Gentile
Institution: CERN, Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Download: PIC20-Simonetta.Gentile.tgz (HTML, 2.260MB)
1: Z Physics
2: Outline
3: e+e-->mu+mu-
4: Z lineshape
5: Z lineshape
6: Measurement of Z parameters
7: Measurement of Z parameters
8: Measurement of the hadronic pole cross section
9: Z couplings to leptons
10: tau-polarization
11: Vector and axial-vector coupling constants of charged leptons
12: Test of lepton universality
13: Test of lepton universality
14: Z couplings to quarks
15: Z couplings to quarks
16: Z couplings to leptons
17: Z couplings to leptons
18: e+e-->ff-bar above the > resonance
19: e+e-->ff-bar above the > resonance
20: e+e-->ff-bar above the > resonance
21: Leptonic forward-backward asymmetries up to sqrt(s)=202GeV
22: e+e-->ff-bar above the > resonance

23: Cross section e+e-->gamagama-bar from single photon events
24: Production of b- and c-quarks above the Z resonance
25: Production of b- and c-quarks above the Z resonance
26: Photon - Z Interference
27: Photon - Z Interference
28: Cross section Z, WW, ZZ
29: Production of Z-boson pairs
30: Production of Z-boson pairs
31: Cross section e+e-->ZZ
32: Testing the Z and gama couplings
33: Summary on anomalous Z and gama couplings
34: Testing the Z and gama couplings
35: Summary on anomalous Z and gama couplings
36: Anomalous Quartic Gauge Coupling in Zgamagama
37: Anomalous Quartic Gauge Coupling in Zgamagama
38: Interpretation of precision data in the SM.
39: Pulls from data to SM fit
40: Testing the SM of electroweak interactions
41: Radiative corrections in SM
42: Comparison of direct and indirect measurements
43: The mass of the Higgs boson
44: Conclusions and outlook

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