XX Physics in Collision Conference
Lisbon, June 29 - July 1, 2000

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Title: "Neutrino Overview"
Session: Electro-Weak
Author: Gian Luigi Fogli
Institution: Univ. of California Berkeley
Download: PIC20-Gian.Luigi.Fogli.tgz (HTML, 1.988MB)
1: Neutrino Oscillations: an Overview
2: Introduction
3: 1. Present evidence
4: 2. The "Standard" 3niu interpretation
5: Parameters probed by oscillations
6: Graphical representation of parameter space
7: A remark
8: 3. 3niu: atmospheric neutrinos
9: SK zenithal distribution (niu'99 data: 52kTy)
10: Allowed regions in a three-flavour approach
11: Allowed regions in a three-flavour approach
12: Coupling Superkamiokande and CHOOZ
13: Limits on U2e3 (psi inconstrained)
14: Best-fit distributions
15: Progress in m2 bounds for unconstrained 3niu mixing
16: Progress in constraining mixing
17: Status of (m2, psi, phi) constraints
18: A remark on LBL
19: 4. 3niu oscillations: solar neutrinos
20: Solar neutrino problem, 1999
21: 2niu vacuum oscillations solution (phi=0): total rates
22: 2niu vacuum oscillations solution (phi=0): SK spectrum
23: 2niu vacuum oscillations solution (phi=0)
24: 2niu MSW solutions
25: 3niu MSW solutions
26: 3niu MSW solutions
27: 3niu MSW solutions
28: deltachi2 as a function of phi (lambdam2 and omega unconstrained)
29: 3niu MSW solutions
30: Borexino
31: Gallium Neutrino Observatory
32: Example of solar + atmospheric combination
33: Summary on colar niu
34: 3niu summary
35: 5. The LSND signal: 4niu oscillations
36: Constraints on 4niu mass/mixing schemes ...
37: Two subcases
38: 6. Conclusions

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